This project was a replacement Tank and Frame for the existing 5 tanks. APD designed a single replacement Tank with internal baffles to form weirs, to allow the sediment to settle and be refined at a later date. APD also designed the supporting frame, removed the existing tank set up and installed the tank and frame and new pipework to suit.
As part of the upgrade at the Waikato Water Treatment Plant, Brian Perry Civil is replacing 5 of the bulk storage chemical tanks with HazSure® Chemical Tanks, which have been designed in accordance BS EN 12573 for fabricated tanks and APD’s approved COP 4-2.
These tanks range in size from 1,800L to 11,500L and all tanks have a side entry manway for ease of access, due to site restrictions.
These tanks will store Sodium Bisulfite, Sulphuric Acid, Citric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide.
APD was asked to design, build and install a Stormwater Retention/Detention Tank to be suspended from the ceiling in an underground car park of a new building. The purpose of the tank was to collect rainwater and re-use the water for the buildings toilets.
When it wasn’t possible to place tanks above ground or underground we had to get creative and the result was a suspended retention tank in an underground car park. 130 Ponsonby Road needed to retain 14,000L of water for re-use but had no space for above ground or underground tanks. They needed a solution that would safely store the water but wouldn’t reduce the available car parking space.
The area that was available for use, the basement car park, had limited access and a limited height in which to install a tank. APD were asked to develop a suspended tank design and to consult on how to safely and securely install the tank on site. The tank had to be able to withstand weight changes from empty to full without bending or deforming and the support structure had to be able to sustain the weight of the full tank.
The team at APD designed a tank with a special profile pipe that would keep it from bending or breaking when raised into position or when filled with water. The overall length of the tank was 36m and it was 700mm in diameter (OD). To allow the tank to be safely transported and lifted it was made in 4 sections that were welded together onsite. The Completed tank weighed almost 2 tonnes. Once the tank was in place it needed to stay up there safely so the team also provided specially designed, seismically rated, brackets that could support a combined weight of at least 16 tonnes over the design life of the tank.
A cylindrical tank mounted horizontally was used to achieve this. The overall length of the tank was approx 36m with an internal diameter of 700mm. The tank was built using a custom pipe designed specifically for the application and was made in 4 sections to allow for transport with final assembly and welding of the pipe occurring onsite. The brackets were designed to sustain a combined total weight of approx 16 tonnes and seismically rated.
As you can imagine the installation process of the tanks was challenging as each tank section needed to be lowered down a ramp into the basement of the building, welded together and then lifted and held in position while the brackets were fixed to the ceiling and walls.
APD are experts in tank design but did you know we can also offer consulting services to support your installation? From support during design phase where we can work with engineers on the most cost effective & practical solutions to creative accessories to tanks like modified man holes and the support brackets designed for this project.
A church in New Lynn more than doubled the floor space of its facilities by placing another building on its land and connecting it with the existing building.
Due to the increase of non-permeable surface coverage on the site the church was required to install 20,000 Litres (20m3) of stormwater detention capacity. APD was selected as the tank supplier and APD underground stormwater tanks specified to satisfy the stormwater detention requirement.
Two 10,000 Litre (10m3) tanks, each weighing 375 kg, were built to be installed as a connected pair to achieve the required volume. Tanks were delivered to site by HIAB crane truck and lifted info final position on site by a digger once the excavation work was completed.
APD can fit Anti-Float Pads to Detention Tanks on request. In situations where installation may be difficult, or there is a risk of ground-water levels rising faster than Storm water Detention Tanks may fill with water, then APD will fit Anti-Float Pads to Storm water Detention Tanks during manufacture, if the customer orders them.
Anti-Float Pads fitted to Storm water Detention Tanks are not a substitute for correct installation procedure.
Adequate drainage around the detention tanks may still be required even when Anti-Float Pads are fitted. Anti-Float Pads are an added security against Detention Tanks “popping” out of the ground, during events that cause unusual ground water conditions.
Originally developed by APD for one of our drainage contractors, Anti-Float Pads are now available to anyone ordering Storm water Detention Tanks. Contact APD for more information.
There was no easy to use off-the-shelf tank that could meet the requirements for this site. QDC Works Limited needed to be able to detain 3,000L of storm water as part of their project but because of site restrictions they needed a tank less than 500mm high, buried 1.6m underground.
APD were approached to provide a cylindrical style StormLite© tank for this project but because of the depth of cover required and tight constraints on the tank height, this wouldn’t work.
We needed to deliver a tank inherently strong enough to withstand the load resulting from 1.6m depth of cover that was less than 500mm high. Like our other tanks it had to be optimised to contain the volume required while keeping the tank as small as possible; minimising the cost.
StormLite® with its modular design that can be easily scaled up or down to suit a residential or commercial site. Rectangular in shape to optimise water capacity in the space available the StormLite3 with its unique design can withstand the pressures of increased soil cover and/or heavy traffic loads. The tank was fabricated and available within 15 days.
What makes StormLite® stand out is that, unlike any other modular tank solution on the market, it is delivered to site pre-assembled and ready to go straight into the ground.
Modular systems are typically built on site and wrapped in layers of geofabrics and a membrane. APD Stormlite3 tanks have a 25 year design life and are pre-assembled undercover in our production facility regardless of the weather conditions to:
Everything was fabricated and delivered for QDC on time and on budget providing a solution with:
Meaning QDC received a practical, cost effective solution that they know they can rely on to drain storm water safely for years to come.
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